Sometimes you'd like to apply styles to your text — to italicize a book title, for example. You can do this with simple formatting codes that are similar to the double brackets of a link. Here is what's available to you:

Formatting Source Code Appears As
Italics //text// text
Boldface ''text'' text
Underline __text__ text
Subscript H~~2~~O H2O
Superscript meters/second^^2^^ meters/second2
Monospace {{{text}}} text
Bulleted list * one
* two
  • one
  • two
Numbered list # one
# two
  1. one
  2. two
Horizontal line ----

Lists in particular are useful for setting off choices at the end of a passage. Although it feels natural to leave an empty line between a paragraph and a list, this creates extra whitespace that looks a little strange. Here's what it should look like:

It's a dark and stormy night aboard the Orient Express. You can't sleep; something about the motion of the train disturbed you subtly. So instead you have elected to spend the night in the dining car, sipping coffee and perusing [[the newspaper|The London Times]].

You hear the door to the car open behind you.
* [[Look up]]
* [[Continue reading]]

If there's a particular kind of formatting that you'd like to use that isn't supported natively by Twee, you can put HTML source code directly into your story's text by surrounding it with <html> and </html>. This passage, for example, blinks:

The bomb's timer now reads: <html><blink>5:00</blink></html>. You sure hope that's five hours, not five minutes.