In some cases, you'll want to do several things with macros at once. For example, in this passage from the previous section:

All you possess is an Axe (note under Weapons on your Action Chart) and a Backpack containing 1 Meal (note under Meals on your Action Chart).

(Joe Dever, Flight from the Dark)

You'd probably want to set both the protagonist's weapon and number of meals. You can do this without any extraneous whitespace appearing in your story by putting all the <<set>> statements on the same line:

All you possess is an Axe and a Backpack containing 1 Meal. <<set $meals = 1>> <<set $weapon = "axe">>

This is not particularly readable, however. The <<silently>> macro can help in these situations, like so:

All you possess is an Axe and a Backpack containing 1 Meal. <<silently>>
<<set $meals = 1>>
<<set $weapon = "axe">>

Everything between <<silently>> and <<endsilently>> is run, but nothing is displayed.