When you edit your story in Twine, most of the window is taken up by your story map. Each passage in your story is shown as a box, with links between passages shown as lines between the boxes.

To gain a broader or narrower view of your story, you can zoom in and out with buttons on the toolbar, or press the + and - keys on your keyboard. As you zoom in, more text of each passage's body is displayed on the map. The Zoom to Fit button on the toolbar that will automatically zoom the story map so that all passages are visible at once.

You can use the scrollbars on the window to move around the story map, or hold down the space bar and drag the mouse around to quickly pan across your story map.

To add a passage to your story map, click the New Passage toolbar button or choose New Passage from the Story menu. You can also right-click an empty space in the story map to bring up a contextual menu allowing you to create a passage, or middle-click an empty space to immediately create a new passage there.

You can drag your passages in any arrangement you like on your story map; it won't affect what the output file will look like. You can also cut, copy, and paste passages as you would with any other application. To select more than one passage at a time, hold down the Shift key as you click on them, or create a rectangular selection box by dragging your mouse across an empty part of the story map.