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KELLAN'S BIG DAY, a Twine comic

Hey Twineos!  I'm working toward making a series of Twine comics, and I used a good friend's birthday as an excuse to make a one-off prototype and work a bunch of stuff out. I feel especially indebted to this forum because I got some pretty cool help from TheMadExile on functionality, so I thought I might as well share the finished thing over here.

Critique is always appreciated. I can't think of any specific feedback I'm looking for right now (so anything at all is a bonus).  I had a few polish things I was thinking of implementing but didn't get around toKellan's birthday was over a week ago, and these wishes are already belated enough.


  • Wow, man! That was freaking awesome!  ;D

    You might consider making the last panel link back to the start.

    Other than that, it was really cool. My favorite was da abandoned mine shaft. :)

    Here's hoping you keep making Twine comics!
  • These are fricking great. I hope Kellan enjoyed them. I agree with Sharpe; being able to return to the menu would be nice. Twine serves your comic timing well! The rampaging bank cracked me up.
  • Hi, this is fantastic!
    I'm doing something similar in Twine too, so great to see you doing this! :D
  • Thanks friends!  I definitely wanted to have the "how to spend your day" choice re-present itself after the last panel of a story, but I couldn't get it to work how I wanted, and time was ticking away.  I think the HTML I settled on for making this comic is generally kind of weird, and so I need to figure out a way to restructure and handle choice without making SugarCube get all squirrelly about it.  Next time!

    @queeniechan I'd be interested to see what that Something Similar is!
  • Amazing work, really funny too :) I'm hoping to do something similar for a university project and was just wondering how you managed to get the transitional effects to work the way they do :)
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