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International Love Ultimatum #iluJam (dating sim game jam)

A dating sim game jam that runs through the entire month of June!

News updates and resources can be found on the iluJam Tumblr. There you can also find our FAQs.

Do entries have to be visual novels or can I make something else?
I am fine with an entry as long as it has a relationship system in it! The theme of this jam is to explore different ways to convey love in video games. If you think you are capable of pulling that off with a more complex game in just a single month then by all means try it out! Text-only games are fine!

Jam page:


  • This is awesome timing. I had just found a few days ago AND just been talking to a friend about teaming up to make a game there. Looks like we'll be making a dating sim~

    Looking forward to this!
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