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I don't understand what I did wrong with my Datamap...?

When I play the story, it give me the message you can see in the attach file #2 and #3. I don't understand why. Can some one explain it to me please. :)

This is the current situation of my script:

That are my actual datamap + 1 variable that I need. They are written In the first box of the story (Asleep)
(set: $tablet to (datamap:"name", "station tablet", "description", "The tablet contains all the diagnistic information for the station.", "pickupText", "You pick up the tablet, feeling the nervous sweat pool in the center of your back.", "isCarried", false))

(set: $badge to (datamap:"name", "badge", "description", "You need your badge to access all areas of the station.", "pickupText", "Without even a stray thought, you stuff your badge into your poket.", "isCarried", false))

(set: $selectedItem to "")

In the box Item Acquired I have this:
(print: $selectedItem's pickupText)

Living Quarters

In the box Item Description I have this:
(print: $selectedItem's description)

Living Quarters


  • edited July 2015
    The error you're getting is telling you that at the point when you're calling
    (print: $selectedItem's description)
    $selectedItem is still an empty string rather than a datamap.
    I assume at some point it should be set to either $tablet or $badge. So you need to make sure that the passage where that happens is being displayed before Item Description is.
  • edited August 2015
    Thank you very much. I don't fully understand the principle behind, but it work.
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