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Finished my Story... Whats the next step?

Ok, after a few weeks of Twining lol.. I think I have things squared up..
Now, the game is the 2.0 Twine version using SugarCube 1.0.17 ...
I have it saved to my Firefox browser..

I added images to some pages, which I added to the image folder in my Twine folder, as well as music that I added to a music folder..

I am scared to proceed without advice, I wouldn't want to do anything irreversible or potentially delete my story since it's only saved on my Firefox browser..

I'd like to back it up in some way & then attempt publishing online??

Any suggestions?



  • Just go down bottom left of your story, click on thel ittle up arrow beside the story title, and click publish to file. That creates a html version of your story that you both use as backup and publishing.

  • Ok if I publish, will it erase the version I've been editing?
    Or will I have a published version but can still go back to the un-published version to make changes?
  • Publishing to File will not erase the current project you're working on. It will just export the project into .html format. If you make changes to your project you will have to Publish to File again.

    Hope that helps!

  • Thanks for the heads up, I published, but all my images & music is missing?
    Did I do something wrong??
  • Images and sound files are not embedded into the HTML file created using the Publish to File option.

    If you are hosting your story HTML file on a web-server then you will also need to copy your Images and Sound files to the web-server.

    If you are using some other means to distribute your story HTML file (eg. Dropbox, Google Docs, etc) then you will need to create an archive file (eg. a ZIP file) that contains both your story HTML file as well as your Images and Sound files.

  • Thanks!, I'm ready to do this.. can you explain to me in easy terms.. how to marry my music & image files with the published html version? Sorry, still a learning curve for me.. But I'm figuring it out slowly but surely :)
  • Just replicate the file structure that was in your development folder.

    So if the structure was twine/sound, and all your sounds were in the sound subfolder, and your story was called Your Story...

    You'd create a folder called Your Story, put the html file in that folder, then create a directory called /sound within that folder and put all your sounds in there.

  • Ok great, I made another folder with my published HTML, I put the image & music folders in the same folder.. clicked on my HTML & it worked!!

    What are my options for uploading this?, I can basically send it anywhere now?..
  • Yup, if everything is running in a new folder, you can upload those files to any host. Pay special attention to the folder names, also note some web hosts will be case sensitive, so make sure to use the exact same names as in the twine code.
  • You can also use an archiving tool like ZIP or RAR to create an achieve file containing all the file within that folder (the HTML, image and sound files). You could then upload the achieve file to a file hosting site like Dropbox or Google Docs and post a link so others can download and run your story on their machines.
  • Ok... I went to the section of this forum where people upload their works.. I noticed when I clicked on their link it went right to the story.. I want to be able to do that as well without allowing a full download of my material first.. Where its a clickable link that works, but can also access my music & image files as well without a download on the players end.. How can I successfully accomplish this?
  • If you are talking about stories in the Workshop area like "The Father's Killer" then they are hosted on websites like, this post talks about a couple of these types of websites.

    Other stories in the Workshop area like "Clockwork" and "On My Wife's Back" are hosted on their creator's personal website.
  • Hmm tried this & it would indeed work if all I had was the HTML file.. But I do have the music & image files.. It wont accept my "Folder"... Im almost there guys!! just need to know where I can host & can include the images & music? Thanks!!!
  • I don't think accepts images and music.

    but if you just want to uplaod to dropbox so people can download, you'll need to put the whole thing in a zip folder to turn the folders into the one file.
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I looked into it.. Sadly only permits the upload of the HTML file...
    Anyone know of a site that can host the HTML, Music, & Images? I know dropbox would be good to allow for download, I want to have a click & play situation though.. Any other ideas? Thanks
  • The easiest way that comes to mind would be to host a website yourself, set up your game there, then provide a link on so people can find it.

    That just involves paying hosting costs.

    But you're basically asking to host a website. So the only way around those costs would be to find some free webspace.
  • You might be able to use google drive. I haven't done this with image/music files along with an HTML, but it should be possible.

    This gives you most of the steps:

    What I did:
    -made a new folder in drive, shared it with everyone
    -dropped in my html file (and for you, your other files as well)
    -got the sharing link for the folder and copied the long string of letters after id= and before the &
    -pasted that id string into url[IDSTRING]/index.html
    -made sure my .html file was renamed index.html

    Let me know if you run into problems!

  • Ok I had to update to Google Chrome in order to upload the image & music files, but there are up on Google Drive along with the HTML file... But when I try to open the link for the HTML is comes out a one big page with text all together & not in twine format at all...
  • That should happen if you just try to open the .html without modifying the URL. Did you follow the last few steps and end up with a URL that reads***your-idstring-here***/index.html?

    First, rename your .html file index.html. Then right click on your project folder and click "Get Link". You should get a link like the following:

    You need to copy/paste the id (bolded): 0B7kmvXx0HErsfm5PLWExZzBlWW45dC1zQk43X3Z6cUVYNmpMV2MwSXBLSnhhWjN6aUotMUk

    Then take this URL:***your-idstring-here***/index.html

    and replace the ID string with the digits you just copy/pasted:

    This should be a working and playable html game.

    So sorry if you did all that and it's still not working, but I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page.

    Let me know if you have problems!

  • Got it done!.. It's my 1st Twine endeavor so lets see how it goes.. Thanks everyone for the guidance!
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