idea what might be causing this?<br />EDIT#2: Okay, so i managaed to fix that as well by manually re-sizing the image directly.<br />Now to my last and final request (sorry for my incompe
posts (#20131)</a> in this thread. This isn't the first time you've done that either. To be clear, I was somewhat amused.<br /><blockquote class="Quote UserQuote">
<div class="QuoteText"><a href="/forum/search?Search=%232&Mode=like">#2</a> - The passage must contain a tag written as StoryMenu with no spaces, a capital S,
- The passage must contain a tag written as StoryMenu with no spaces, a capital S, and a capital M.<br /><a href="/forum/search?Search=%233&Mode=like">#3</a> - The men
That's because if $hasCans and $hasShells are both true, then conditions <a href="/forum/search?Search=%232&Mode=like">#2</a> and <a href="/forum/search?Search=%233&a
A fresh copy of the beta 3 application (both NW.js and web-browser based) does not assign a story format to a new story project, this is why the markup link is not being parsed or highlighted and why
/>Downgrading to 2.0.11 restored everything, although the dates remained where the beta last set them. Re-upgrading to the beta returned me to the unable-to-open stage rather than the time-increm
<br />It works for my first question, but not the second. When I choose for Room#2 though, it looks like I can still choose the same name that had already been selected for Room#1? It doesn't lo
<div class="QuoteText">+ Download the current local/offline version of SugarCube 2.x for Twine 2.<br />+ Extract the archive to a safe location on your computer and take note of
on my own. Simply use the inventory macros in the link I posted above to copy and paste another instance of it on your Javascript passage, but rename the "Inv" and "inventory" var
I think I figured out my question <a href="/forum/search?Search=%232&Mode=like">#2</a> on my own. Simply use the inventory macros in the link I posted above to copy and paste
I added a new issue for the beta, <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="bbcode_url""><a href="/forum/search?