element, which is 16% of the <b>body</b> element's <u>current</u> width.<br /><b>2. SugarCube 2.x's width</b> is either: 54em wide if there is room; or calcu
$elements=jQuery("#passages .typedjs-outer-wrapper"),callback=null,i=$elements.length-1;i>=0;--i)callback=typedCallbackFactory($elements<i>,callback);"function"==typeof c
You should always state the story format you're using <b><i>and its full version</i></b>, because advice will tend to vary based on that information.<br />If you're using
You can do this by making your story autoclick any link on the screen that is within a particular span.<br />In javascript passage write:<br /><pre>$("#passages").bind(&quo
<br />I was afraid of that, haha. Generally, a browser generates a scrollbar whenever its needed, and I know for a fact that SugarCube doesn't mess with that.<br />Do you:<br />1. Ha
Ah okay. I'm not super confident with my jQuery, but if you make it a child of <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23story&Mode=like">#story</a> or <a href="/forum/search?
How or where are you adding the html element? If it's a child of <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23passages&Mode=like">#passages</a>, by being placed in a passage, like a head
this.error("no selector specified");if($targets=jQuery(this.args[0]),0===$targets.length)return this.error('no elements matched the selector "'+this.args[0]+'"');duration=this.arg
I would even more so prefer this one in Harlowe CSS:<br />body {<br />margin: 10% 0 10% 0;<br />}<br />#passages{<br />margin: 0;<br />padding: 0;<br />border