<br />Here's all my code, if it's worth anything (disabled sidebar, corrected margin and added instant transition, which are at the top. The rest is just Sugarcane's default CSS, coppied in case
I'm not very familiar with sugarcane, but here's the html structure:<br /><a href="https://twinery.org/wiki/sugarcane_html" rel="nofollow" class="bbcode_url"&quo
I've some passages that open to lots of text, I'd like it so it scrolls to the bottom of the screen to see the passage without having to use the scroll bar. It's not a huge thing but something that w
used to be, you need to increase the default value of that <b>margin-left</b> property so that the blank area is large enough to contain the contents of the <b>.passage .header</
You're probably falling victim to the setting of the <span style="font-family:monospace">line-height</span> property for your chosen font and size within the sidebar.<br />
family of selectors.<br />This is why we suggested you give us access to the source code of your story/project.<br />Based on what you have supplied I am guessing that the vertical space
instead of #sidebar)<br />You could hide SC2's sidebar the same way as you did with Sugarcane but I would advise against this because doing so would stop the Reader from being able to save thei
Um... I want to change the color of the side-bar... how do I do that then?<br />Like,<br /><a href="/forum/search?Search=%23sidebar&Mode=like">#sidebar</a> {<b