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Ziva's Conjury Mart

Longtime lurker, first-time Twiner...

Ziva's Conjury Mart (5 min to first ending, 10 min to all)

For ZCM, I wanted some volume controls and seamless looping background sounds. Huge thanks to Leon for licensing his sound macros so I could expand them. If anybody wants them, here they are:

Source/README on github:
Live Demo:

I hope you dig it. Let me know if anything's amiss!


  • Hi Tory! (I think I've seen you around elsewhere... Scribophile, maybe?)

    This is really well done, and it looks great. The sounds and images work for me, for sure (though I said sound off, and it still played incidental sounds, which might be a problem for, say, playing at work...) But waiting for the timed replace macro for nearly every line drove me batty, especially when it came to replaying. Otherwise, I thought you did some interesting things with the choices, and am glad you found your way to Twine!
  • Hi rosencrantz! Forgive the extreme delay in this reply!

    1) YES you have seen me on Scrib. Please enjoy this cross-pollinating high-five.

    2) Oh man I had no idea I'd forgotten to apply the sound choice to those individual sounds. Woof. Can fix. Will fix. Very glad you pointed this out before the next project...

    3) Interesting that the waiting was frustrating. I did that because I have a really hard time reading when there's a link waiting. That may be my own psych problem, heh heh. Will investigate.

    Thank you for the feedback, and many happy Twine and Scrib returns!
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