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Getting rid of the return button!

Hello, I'm new to twine and I was wondering if somebody could help me. I'm making my first story, when I click play and choose an option it takes me to another passage (normal), but it shows me a button to go back. I would like to get rid of that button so readers can't go back to pick something else. Thank you.


  • You need to state the name and full version number of story format you are using, as answers can be different for each one.

    A. Harlowe v1.x or v2.x:
    Use the following CSS in your story's Story Stylesheet area to remove the side-bar which contains the Undo and Redo links.
    tw-sidebar {
      	display: none;

    B. SugarCube 1.x
    Use the following Config Object command within your story's Story Javascript area to remove it's history controls.
    config.disableHistoryControls = true;

    C, SugarCube 2.x
    Use the following Config Object command within your story's Story Javascript area to remove it's history controls.
    Config.history.controls = false;
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