<br />I was afraid of that, haha. Generally, a browser generates a scrollbar whenever its needed, and I know for a fact that SugarCube doesn't mess with that.<br />Do you:<br />1. Ha
selector have a bottom margin of the same height (probably a %, but maybe in em) as the bottom box. Then give it an overflow value of scroll.<br />For the bottom box, give it a fixed position a
There's a lot going on here, but you're probably going to want to edit sugarcubes CSS and make the <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23story&Mode=like">#story</a> selector have
Ah okay. I'm not super confident with my jQuery, but if you make it a child of <a href="/forum/search?Search=%23story&Mode=like">#story</a> or <a href="/forum/search?
rel="nofollow" class="bbcode_url"">line 383 of the show() function</a>, which is triggering the <b>'showpassage:after'</b> event you may be interested in
rel="nofollow" class="bbcode_url"">line 383 of the show() function</a>, which is triggering the <b>'showpassage:after'</b> event you may be interested in
but can be moved or manipulated via the "#story-banner" selector.<br /><b>Note</b>: Any code placed inside of the hidden elements will still function as normal, it just w
{<br />margin-left:3.5em;<br />}<br />JavaScript:<br />$('#ui-bar').remove();<br />$(document.head).find('#style-ui-bar').remove();<br />ALTERNATIVELY, if this is
You likely want to put the border on the <span style="font-family:monospace"><a href="/forum/search?Search=%23story&Mode=like">#story</a></span> element