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not working with

Does <<nobr>> not work with <<if>>? It complains about a missing <<endnobr>> that is visible after the <<if>>.


  • Please supply the example code.
  • Your story will display this passage first. Edit it by double clicking it.
    The error is:
    can't find matching endnobr
    Macro not found: endnobr
    It looks like it's not a problem with <<nobr>> itself, but something with extra data being saved in the .tws
    file that's breaking <<nobr>>. So right now I have two .tws files that look exactly the same to the naked
    eye, but one works, and one doesn't, and the broken one has non-printing data.

    Export .twee code from the broken one, import, then it works. I might have pasted in junk data somehow, but I am
    trying to replicate to see if it's something else. Perhaps about the way Twine saves files.

    I am also annoyed that .tws files carry around Save Directory and Build Directory information.
    Hidden metadata is a bad design.
  • I can replicate now, and it has nothing to do with if statements or bad saves. It is very simple, actually.

    <<nobr>> has a serious limitation - anything after <<endnobr>> in the passage, including a newline, breaks it.
    does not work.
  • Thanks - this will be fixed in 1.4.1.
  • Is there a particular workaround for <<nobr>> that we can use in the meantime? I saw one mentioned in the bug list, but I'm not sure how to use it.
  • VoxelComposer,

    Use the \ line-continuation symbol.

    An example:
    This line will create a new line.
    This line will not.\
    This will be on the second line.
    You could just add \ to every line that would otherwise have <<nobr>> wrapped around it.
  • Brilliant! Thank you. I wasn't aware of how to execute that properly, but now I am.

    I appreciate it.

    Edit: I must not be using it correctly, because every time I use it, it replaces '\' with '\r' in the text.

    Edit Edit: Okay. I was using the HTML obfuscation swap, and it didn't work. When I turned it off, now it does work. So that's the key, it seems.
  • VoxelComposer wrote:

    Is there a particular workaround for <<nobr>> that we can use in the meantime? I saw one mentioned in the bug list, but I'm not sure how to use it.

    i'm using <<silently>> instead of <<nobr>> as a workaround, for now.
  • Yet another workaround, although a little messy, would be to use twee comments to hide line breaks.
    These two lines are /%
    would render as.

    [quote]These two lines are one.
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