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Multiple start passages?

Is anyone using the StartPassages feature or interested in writing a story with multiple start passages? I opened an issue report on github for it, but I'm not sure it will get a lot of eyeballs there.

I'd like to know if this is considered useful or not, since I'm writing some code that builds a graph of the story flow and I'm wondering if I should support having multiple start passages or not. It turns out this feature is barely supported in Twine at the moment, so in my opinion it should either be fixed or dropped. I volunteer to do the work, but I like throwing out code, so dropping would be my choice unless people convince me otherwise.


  • I ran the following command on the archive L recently posted:

    egrep -r --include='*.html' '="StartPassages"' Twine\ Spool/
    It came up with 0 hits. So I think it's safe to say that the feature is not very popular  ;)
  • It's not something I can necessarily say I'd use.
  • I think being able to choose which passage to use as your first passage is very useful; the feature was just added to SugarCube.  But I'm not sure if that's what you're asking about or not.
  • Erik wrote:

    I think being able to choose which passage to use as your first passage is very useful; the feature was just added to SugarCube.  But I'm not sure if that's what you're asking about or not.

    No, that is not what I was asking about.

    There is the "Test Play From Here" feature, which allows the author to override the passage to start testing at; this is a feature all 3 included headers have and now SugarCube as well. There is also the config.startPassage property, which allows the author to write a piece of script in the story to programmatically select a passage to start at; this is a SugarCube specific feature.

    Both of those features can override the start passage, but there will be a single start passage displayed when the story opens in the browser. What the Jonah story format currently supports is to have multiple passages displayed simultaneously when the story opens. It seems no-one is using that feature though, which is why I'm proposing to remove it.
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