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Fear of Twine

Hey folks--my name's Richard Goodness, I'm running the Fear of Twine exhibition which I'm gonna assume most or all of you will be interested in. It's hosted on until April 18th, and it's a collection of 16 different twine works by both new and established Twine authors. So if you're in the mood for a bunch of new Twines, please stop by.


  • Just tried the first 'work' in Room 1, Debt.  I think it's pretty representative of what Twine can do - it's certainly not a game, but the second to last scene certainly made a chill run down my spine.   
  • Yeah--Debt was one of the first ones I received, and it really had to be the first because it was opening up the exhibition with a literal bang. It's kinda polarizing if you're expecting a "game"--it's most certainly not, it's more like a kinetic short story--but yeah, I just love that chase scene too. And this was Perriello's first Twine! (Although he HAS made other types of games before.)

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the--games, works, whatever, I just usually use whatever term comes to mind first or seems to be most appropriate for whatever I'm talking about.
  • Awesome!  ;D
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