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Tiny Weird Future Farm v1.1

This would have happened sooner but I'm beavering away on a larger project. Anyway, by popular* demand, I proudly present:

Tiny Weird Future Farm v1.1
play here -
download tws here -

I made many of the fixes and balancing changes suggested by Sharpe in the other thread, specifically:
  • fixed non-resetting variables on repeated playthroughs
  • set maximum zombie distance of 12
  • set relative gold yields for different ideal bean sizes
I also reduced the chance of dying from Space Madness and fixed a bug that stopped your cow getting eaten.

Let me know what you all think - feel free to contest changes made and suggest new ones. Once I've addressed any issues with this release I'll add it to IFDB. And at some point in the not too distant future there will be a version 2, featuring more pixel graphics, more random text, greater depth to the zombie and space madness mechanics and increased cow importance! The word count will go out of the window, but rest assured everything will stay tiny.

* Well, Sharpe wanted it! :)


  • I really liked the "Negotiate" option for dealing with the zombies. Funny!
  • I'm popular! ;)

    I haven't looked at the TWS yet.

    Here's my first play-through:

    [quote]You made it out!

    You head straight for the nearest space food wholesale depot to peddle your wares.

    You sell your size 1 cow for 100 gold!.

    This season, magic beans are tastiest when harvested at size 2, kidney beans are tastiest when harvested at size 2 and space beans are tastiest when harvested at size 2.

    You got:
    Size 2 kidney bean x 2
    Size 2 space bean x 6
    Size 2 magic bean x 3

    That's 0 normal beans (worth 200 gold each), 0 size 1 tasty beans (worth 1000 gold each!), 11 size 2 tasty beans (worth 2000 gold each!) and 0 size 3 tasty beans (worth 3000 gold each!)

    Total haul = 22100!!

    I didn't chance death by madness.

    Basing tasty beans' value on size is a huge improvement. I'd certainly extend that to all beans.

    Again, I think the cow's not worth feeding. One turn feeding means $100. One turn worth of bean farming can net $500 (two turns at $1000plant then harvest).

    Non-tasty beans are worth $100 per turn (at $200 for plant then harvest). Cow is worth $100 per turn. Okay. That's even and that's good.

    Tasty beans are worth $500. That's a pretty big gap, paid for by the necessity of "wasting" turns talking to the cow. However, you only "waste" one turn ($100) by doing so. A possible waste of a minimum of three turns ($300). Maybe we could say say six turns wasted on average accounting for unsuccessful talks with Mr. Moo and getting the same answer. That's a waste of $600. However many turns are used, it's almost certainly more than paid for in two turns of tasty bean farming ($1000).

    All that said, I think tasty beans are either worth too much or feeding the cow and harvesting normal beans are worth too little.

    If tasty beans were worth closer to $500/size, I think it would mean more variety in game play. Right now, there's just little point in doing anything other than talking to the cow, then harvesting nothing but tasty beans.

    Certainly, the cow is not worth feeding and normal beans greater than size 1 are not worth it. At least, that's how I see it and I still maintain that I'm not strategy guy. :)
  • @loopernow - Thanks! I know the concept of zombie negotiation is a little odd, bit I think it adds to the weirdness, and it's always nice to do something with zombies that isn't just shooting. :D

    @Sharpe - Oh, you are so strategy guy.

    I've got big plans for that cow in version two. For now I guess the only reason for feeding it is to make it harder for the zombies to eat it, and that only matters if you like having a cow. :D

    I'll hold off until at least next weekend to do another release, and I'll definitely take your advice on board. Thanks again!
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