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Multiple with embedded links

Hey guys:

I'm using L's <<timedreplace>> in a dialogue scene. It's basically a situation where it starts with line 1 with an option to answer. If you do not answer in ten seconds, it moves to line 2 with an option to answer. If you again do not answer in ten seconds, it moves to line 3. My problem is that, if you do choose to respond in line 1, and you do not click the link to move on to the next passage within ten seconds, it still moves on to line 2.

Is there a way to disable or halt the subsequent <<timedreplace>> macros if you choose to answer in the first line?



  • You will need to do three things:

    1. Add the following CSS to your story, which will be used to stop the delayed transitions.

    .notransition {
    -webkit-transition: none !important;
    -moz-transition: none !important;
    -o-transition: none !important;
    -ms-transition: none !important;
    transition: none !important;
    2. Use some java-script to find the HTML element(s) to apply the above CSS to.

    3. Use the following java-script to apply the CSS once you have found the elements:
    You no doubt have noticed that I have not supplied the java-script to achieve point 2, this is because I don't have access to Twine ATM to work out the ids or structure of the HTML code generated by the timedreplace macro.
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