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Another day at the office

Please provide feedback. I am planning to use this to teach people about planning and prioritizing their work and time management.


  • Nice work.
    This looks about a ten times more engaging that a powerpoint or handout with the same info.

    I use twine stories to teach, and have found that they work better if people 'suffer the consequences' of bad decisions (rather than providing immediate feedback on what should have been the correct answer).

    In this case, for example, rather than saying "the Internet is the greatest productivity drain. So it is better that you go through the inbox", I'd create a clock where each thing you do takes you 30 minutes (or whatever) closer to the end of day, and some important things don't get done.

    A middle ground would be to explain why things aren't working so well ("you realise that you have been distracted by on line shopping sites, and lost 30 minutes of the day. You will have to hurry to get everything done")

    If they reach the end of the day without doing everything on their 'to do' list, they'll think about what they could do to 'win' next time, and be motivated to try again.
    This approach would require a clock and maybe a 'to do' list, though- not hard to make.
  • Sorry if the above seemed negative- I'm battling with some of these issues myself, so thought I'd share.
    (Have posted a simple clock in the forums if that is of use to you or others)
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