Wow, cabelhigh. This is great. I love the narrator's voice, and how everything is revealed a little at a time. It's succinct and really wonderfully done.
Yeah I was worried that part wouldn't fly. Basically, I wanted some indication that that was the final section, the final link, and that clicking it takes you ambiguous blank screen. I've been trying to figure out a clearer way to do this (my original idea was, once you clicked the last link, all the other sections would fade away - but I seriously don't have the coding skills to pull that off) but what it basically means is that this is the real 'end.'
Right. I thought that the blank page might be intentional, but as is I find it a bit confusing... I really like the idea of the passages all fading out, and I'm sure someone on the forums knows how to make that happen. Have you tried posting in the Help section?
Yeah, I got a bit confused there too. Perhaps an image or something? It has to not look like a bug, and a blank page looks like a bug. Perhaps copy the code from the "restart story" button and fire that when you click the ending - but that will probably look like an error as well.
Good work though! I often find the habit most Twine stories have of jumping to a new passage for extra detail and popping back really disorienting - this a really good contradiction of that.
That was good for a first story, better than my first one anyways
One question though--where is the [[I'm still here]] link supposed to lead to? At least on my PC with chrome it directs to this link ( which is just a blank page. Judging by the URL, it looks like it should be part 2?
Yeah I was worried that part wouldn't fly. Basically, I wanted some indication that that was the final section, the final link, and that clicking it takes you ambiguous blank screen. I've been trying to figure out a clearer way to do this (my original idea was, once you clicked the last link, all the other sections would fade away - but I seriously don't have the coding skills to pull that off) but what it basically means is that this is the real 'end.'
Thanks for reading btw!
Good work though! I often find the habit most Twine stories have of jumping to a new passage for extra detail and popping back really disorienting - this a really good contradiction of that.