I wasn't actually planning on doing this, but I'm not sure if this game will actually be
entertaining, so I need you guys to run through this tiny,
tiny chunk I've actually been sure about keeping, and give honest feedback. Brutally honest. Like, if I'm not crying within five seconds of reading your reply,
you have not done your job.
Also, when I say 'run' through, I don't mean bull rush past links. There are details and such to be found here, though not as much as I plan on having. In fact, everything you'll see is going to be cranked tenfold in the final product, so keep that in mind.
http://philome.la/HumbleJackson/galaxy-run-taste-test(Bonus points if you can spot the Incredibly Subtle Commentary.)PS: Pretty much all of this is exposition, sorry.
There? Crying yet?
I'm hoping so, because that means I can get on with the actual honest feedback.
a) I'm looking forward to more of this. Playing as someone cruelly ripped from their FUNchair sounds like it'll be interesting, especially if they experience the withdrawal symptoms as you play.
b) It was pretty hilarious. Damn FUN, taking over the universe, enslaving humanity to constant gratification stimulation. Those wretches. The satire was appreciated :P
c) Yeah it was a bit exposition-y, and if you could work in the details a little more interactively and less *click to read about this, click to return, rinse and repeat* that'd be cool, but what details you did have were FUN
Overall: FUN. Lack of a continuation may result in trauma, headaches, and disgruntled cat-face.
Main downside? Commentary was too gosh darn subtle. You are advised to watch The Matrix to learn how to counteract this. I need ANAGRAMS HERE. COME ON. (On a serious note, the commentary, however subtle, was pretty entertaining too xD)
Some notes:
- I did find Tom! Very much looking forward to seeking him out.
- If you don't (for some reason) enter names into the prompt, it'll say "Welcome to the Lottery Submission System, !" It could stay like this or you could start the variables off as some other string (FirstNameUnknown)?
- Why am I (or why is the main character) hoping to die from the very beginning? Unless the Galaxy Run is extremely well-known and infamous--but it seems to me that FUNco would want to downplay this part of their company as much as possible? Or is it more like "Oh no I just got disconnected from my happy chair and I'd rather die than face reality for once..."
- Gotta love those extremely subtle modern day references... IGN and GamerGate, Anti Anti Monopoly laws.... so great.
- I don't think it was too exposition-heavy (I'd love to see more!) but I like exposition so take that with a grain (or tablespoon) of salt.
- I 1000% want to see more of this.
Now go start crying in 5 seconds so I can say I've done my job. ;D- I'm very much looking forward to writing him.

- Did you mean to state that as a question? If not, I'll look into that.
- You know enough about the Galaxy Run to know you'll be seperated from your FUNchair for a while.
- Don't forget the 'Hate Speech' laws. Can't wait till those get enacted. :-\
- Good. I honestly don't want to take that beginning section out. Still undecided.
- Awesome! But I'm not gonna lie, you'll have to wait. I'm making this up as I go along, so there's gonna be a crapload of revision before I even beta test it. Meanwhile you can find more of my humor here: http://straightwhitemale.wordpress.com/ to whet your appetite.
Thanks again!(P.S. Just heard about Inky Path. Sorry, man. Hope you have better luck in your other projects!)
I didn't really like that there was more wiki than actual story. If the information is so important, then put it into the story. This is probably just a personal pet peeve of mine, but I don't like having to click through an encyclopedia to get what's going on. I just want to read the story. I hope that the wiki being more important than the story is just because the game is unfinished.
I guess that this is because the game hasn't been finished, but I also didn't like how there was so much importance on finding Tom, yet you can't act on what he tells you. Even if it would have lead to the same "Game coming soon!" screen, I would have liked to have the option to try what Tom said to do.
I guess it was more of a note--it's something you can change, but don't have to.
[quote]I honestly don't want to take that beginning section out.
Good. Don't. It's brilliant.
With a blog name like that, what could go wrong? ;D
Also, thanks for the sentiments on Inky Path, though really, it's alright. Though I did find this on your site--makes me sad that I ever quit!
And sorry if I built up false expectations with the whole 'Tom' thing. This was just a fragment of the beginning, and I was unsure if I was going the right direction or not. I didn't know if folks would play it. Thankfully, that seems to be the case. Thanks again!
I wonder if, down the road, you plan on adding some additional CSS styling to differentiate the "plot" sections and the "wiki" sections. I admit that I read twine games like an assholeI blast through the start page and click the first link that looks like it's going to advance the story. But I'm totally all about the narrative conceit of a fake wiki, and I'd like to have encountered something visual that says "hey, dummy, this is important, pay attention". I can envision something as simple as inverting the scheme, like this: http://jsfiddle.net/dm3tvy20/2/
Plus, if, as it seems, surfing the wiki is a substantive portion of the game's content, I think it would make sense to give "wiki text" its own particular feel.
Anyway, fun stuff. Glad to see Tom's still around. Top 5 for life.