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My first Twine game...

..and also my first Twine forum post! Sorry if I'm doing anything wrong...


  • Hi friend!

    It doesn't appear that your game is properly hosted (when I click the link, I see a blank page and an unlikely url). The Twine Wiki has tips on how to easily publish your work.
  • nbs4 wrote:

    ..and also my first Twine forum post! Sorry if I'm doing anything wrong...

    The on-line version of Twine 2 does not store your game on their servers, you need to use the "Publish to File" option to create a HTML file version of your game and this file is what others need to access play your game.
    The "Publish to File" option can be found by clicking on the name of your story found in the lower left corner and then selecting the menu item at the bottom of the list.
  • Hey, so right now your link points to a directory on your computer (you can tell by the C://.....) so you are the only one who can see/access it.

    Your best solution is to thing that html file (I think it's "sort of light at the end of a tunnel.html") and upload it so that everyone can access it. This can be done by uploading it to ( and sharing that link. Instead you could upload to another file hosting source (Google Drive, Dropbox) but make sure to share with everyone if in Drive or to get the sharing link if in Dropbox.

    Let me know if you want more specific or step-by-step instructions. :)
  • Is there any way to publish on philome without owning a twitter account?
  • You need to have a Twitter account, unfortunately. But if you make an account and use to publish it, you can choose to not publicize it on's Twitter feed.
  • dacharya64 wrote:

    You need to have a Twitter account, unfortunately. But if you make an account and use to publish it, you can choose to not publicize it on's Twitter feed.

    That is a fairly silly idea, forcing people to join one site so they can access another!
  • Yeah, I'm not sure why a Twitter account is required. Thankfully there are other ways of hosting if you're against making a Twitter account. :)

  • It does. *smile*

    Well done in both challenges:  1.  creating your first Twine story; 2. working out a way to allow others to access your story (the harder one in my mind).
  • You can also upload your games to a site called KONGREGATE its free and has lots of players and the best is they pay you money for it(because of the ads).
      go check it out,i aready got a couple of games.
  • Nice little story! Congrats on your first game! :)
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