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THE MARTIAN FIELDS (Zombie Wizard of Apocalypse #4)

Hello, friends!

My new game is out! "The Martian Fields" is a humorous fantasy/sci-fi story about adventurers in an alien biodome. You need not be familiar with the series to enjoy it, and I've included recaps of the previous episodes in the game's menu. This piece is a step up from my past work in several ways. I'm very thankful to Jacques Frechet, Bob McCabe, Will Hines, and Hanon Ondricek for testing the game, and also to Leon Arnott for his macros and stylesheets. "The Martian Fields" is free. You can play it online via IFDB or download it from (download also includes the .tws and some cheesy artwork). More about the game below.

Welcome to Arth! This fantasy kingdom has been infested with monsters and cutthroats ever since the murder of the king and subsequent nuclear ballyhoo. You play as Athena MacIntyre, heir to the throne. The people consider you their last hope, but politics is a sucker's game. You'd rather be adventuring.

And adventure you'll find in this interactive tale of survival, kidnapping, and invisible poop. En route to a mythical destination, you've gotten lost in the titular alien biodome. The undead wizard lagging behind you is Nimrod Supertramp, who killed your dad when you were a baby (see above), but is actually on your sidefor now.

Keep your wits and sword about you. Strange game is afoot, and nefarious machinations are spinning their wheels (as if thirst, hunger, and demonic babies weren't enough cause for worry). Your actions will affect the story in ways both big and small, and the clock is ticking, so priorities count. Good luck!

If you enjoy the game, let me know! If you hate the game, let me know (gently). Rate or review it on IFDB if you feel so inclined.

Thanks, everybody!

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