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On My Wife's Back

edited February 2015 in Workshop
Hello all, I posted this earlier, but because of link decay and insufficient explanation, I'm posting it again. Any UX comments, performance issues, responsive design comments etc. etc. would be appreciated.



Build 0.0.1 - Front page, About page, Story Loading Page Built (no stories yet...)

TESTING - If you wish to help, please test the performance of the above link in different browsers, with wired and wireless connections, on tablets and desktops and laptops. Spellchecking, usability, affordances, comprehension etc. etc. are always appreciated.


The above is a Twine game called On My Wife's Back, part of a larger, multimedia project of the same name which I am creating as part of my Interactive Writing Residency at the British Library. For my residency, I have been attached to Lines In The Ice, an exhibition all about polar exploration, and On My Wife's Back is a response to this; a story told in lots of different mediums about a fictional polar explorer called Isaak Scinbank. You can find out more about Scinbank from his biography, and from my residency's blog,in the 'About' section


This Twine game is one of two main parts to the residency, alongside this book, hand-bound alongside the British Library's conservators. The book is Scinbank's diary, which I am handwriting and which describes firsthand his explorations of the Arctic. Though the diary is quite comprehensive, you do get the impression that Scinbank has left out some details; it is also obvious that some details have been lost to the passage of time. However, throughout the diary, and other artworks in different mediums from my residency, you are able to find locations; placenames or co-ordinates from Scinbank's explorations and the explorations of those around him. Some of these locations are actually codes to access, from the above link, small, experimental Twine stories, where you can experience events from Scinbank's life in a more truthful, interactive and visceral manner.


You can access these stories by entering placenames or co-ordinates from the diary, or any other part of the residency, into the 'copper cylinder' on the Twine game's front page; if there is a story attached to that location, the game will take you to it. Please note: in this first release, there are no location stories available; I'm just looking for feedback on UX design, usability, bugs, performance etc. etc. You can try typing things into the box, but it is unlikely that anything will work.

As said above, you can find out more about my residency at the 'About' page of its blog.


Comments, bugs etc. post below, please.
In return, I will happily list you on the 'Thank You' page of my project's blog:
If you would like this, please include a name or pseudonym that you would prefer when posting.
Thank you.


  • I saw this earlier, though I don't think I bookmarked it from these forums. It looks good, and I'm curious to see where you go with it!

    I will note that there's currently a bug in Chrome, where your zwnj characters are rendering as a box. This is most apparent on the portrait-mode error message screen. (See attached.) The Chrome team will eventually fix it, if that's any consolation? :)
  • Thank you nicolem. It's going to be an extremely long journey, but I hope to learn a lot in the process.

    Thank you for replicating the zwng bug, it is annoying, isn't it? It would be a pain to go through and delete all those characters (as well as removing some of the formatting) so I will just have to wait until they patch it. It seems to only affect Chrome on Mac, which I appreciate is a large userbase, but...

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