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The Father's Killer (My first Twine game!)

edited March 2015 in Workshop
Hey everyone. So I started using Twine in October for a Game Design class I was taking. I had a week to make a text game so this is what I made:

After that week, I've never used Twine until now. I just registered today and this is my first time posting. Tell me what you guys think about my game. Be honest, like tell me if you think it's terrible lol. Oh and tell me if there are any mistakes! It took me about 4 or 5 days to make.

It has curses and violence. So NSFW?

Btw, Jesse and Alex does not have a set gender which is why their name is stated instead of he or she.


  • I think you did a good job. I think the checkbox on the college application form was a smooth way of handling gender, particularly as a component of the epilogue.

    I have to admit that I found the fight scene a little frustrating though. It was hard to guess what the "right" choice might be.

    Did you read "the" thread on user agency? It's basically talking about giving the user choice vs giving the user control. You can have a game--particularly in Twine!-- that's very linear and just one step after another, or you can have a story with lots of different endings. But since you asked, I wonder if it might have been more effective to give the illusion of user choice, presenting the options of "duck" or "hit", with the following passage always saying something like "you dodged successfully!", but giving the user a hint that some tactics might be riskier than others?

    I definitely could not figure out how to get to the "perfect" ending, but have decided against looking at the source code. I am happy to continue to be unsure whether or not you were just messing with us. :D
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