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We've added an Add Question button on the left. This creates a special kind of topic that allows the original poster to mark a particular reply as the 'right' answer, and I think moves that response to the top. It's a bit like, except there's no concrete reward system like StackOverflow's karma. Instead, you get real-life karma!


  • Haha, this is a cool feature.

    How can I make my current Twine game mobile. I'm a complete blob and newb to programming. How can I think about porting this experience to a mobile platform. Can you apply the same mechanics that you use in HTML?

    I'm using to learn.

    I'm interested in creating an awesome patient consumer experience.
  • Danny, you'll need to start a thread asking that question in the appropriate category. This thread is announcing a feature of the new forum software and isn't well suited for questions about game creation. Good luck with your game, though! :-)
This discussion has been closed.