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Lifeline -- twine-based real-time adventure

edited May 2015 in Workshop
Just thought I'd alert people to a game I'm really enjoying. (Full disclosure--I know the writer behind this app.) Lifeline is an app built for the new Apple iWatch, but also runs in iOS apps. Your job is to guide a crash-landed astronaut to safety on a foreign moon. It's built in twine, but with a twist-- it runs in real time. So, when you tell the astronaut Tyler to walk for a couple hours, he'll go offline for two hours, then alert you when he needs more help. This blew my mind. There's something about it running in real time that makes Tyler feel like a real person, and when I get pinged on my phone (I don't have an iWatch) I feel like I need to respond quickly to help him out. As I said, I know the writer, Dave Justus, and I admit that I'm a fan of his writing and of his sense of humor. (He co-writes the Fables comic A Wolf Among Us, and has done other comics and prose work.)

I'm only halfway through (I think), but it's a very cool extension of the Twine way of writing interactive fiction. I'm so jealous.
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