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The (link:) macro needs 1 more value error

Hello, first question here :)
I have been following what this guy

has been doing in this video, but wherever I have
(link: "Text" [ (goto: $previousRoom)])
it is substituted with the following error:
The (link:) macro needs 1 more value
It is worth mentioning that I have created
and I have done exactly what the dude in the video did, yet for some reason I get this error. I have searched far and wide for anything helpful here on the internet, but unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that the official documentation for Twine is incomplete (the Wikia at least).
Any help with what might be causing this error, or a link to a list of the error messages and some info about them would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


  • This:
    (link: "Text" [ (goto: $previousRoom)])

    Needs to be:
    (link: "Text")[(goto: $previousRoom)]
  • Sharpe wrote: »
    (link: "Text" [ (goto: $previousRoom)])

    Needs to be:
    (link: "Text")[(goto: $previousRoom)]

    I changed all instances of (link:) to what you said, but I still get the same error.
  • Make sure you have not missed out on any open/close parentheses and square brackets.

    A basic (link:) macro is:
    (link: "Link Text")[What you want to happen when the link is clicked]

    A basic (goto:) link is:
    (goto: "Title of Passage to go to")
    (goto: $previousRoom)

    So when you replace the "What you want to happen when the link is clicked" part of the (link:) macro with a (goto:) macro it would look like the following:
    (link: "Link Text")[(goto: "Title of Passage to go to")]
    (link: "Link Text")[(goto: $previousRoom)]

    The above reformatted to make it easier to see the exact number of open/close parentheses and square brackets.
    (link: "Link Text")[
    	(goto: "Title of Passage to go to")
    (link: "Link Text")[
    	(goto: $previousRoom)
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