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Animating text? Also, where is all the documentation for 2.0?

I'm very very very new to Twine, and coding in general (but I'm teaching myself slowly!). I've been playing a lot of Porpentine's games and have been in awe of her ability to animate text.

How does she do the thing where text slowly animates in? Like it starts with one line, and then the lines reveal themselves after a set amount of time and then reveal the exit link/choices/etc.

I hope I'm explaining myself well, and thanks in advance! Also, does anyone have any advice for finding tips and tricks on coding in Harlowe? I'm finding very scant material even on twinery.


  • The particular thing is the <<replace>> macro set for either SugarCube or SugarCane.

    Not sure if Harlowe gives similar options.
  • edited June 2015
    A couple of links:
    Twine 2 application guide: covers how to use the Twine 2 story/passage editor.
    Harlowe documentation: covers that story format's features.
    SugarCube 2 documentation: covers that story format's features.
  • edited June 2015
    GreyElf also wrote this next part that I think solves your problem of the revealing text:
    (link: "'What do you think of the current state of politics?'") [
    	The mousy librarian looks up at you. |output>[]
        (set: $var to 0)
        (live: 3s)[
        	(set: $var to it + 1)
            (if: $var is 1)[
            	(append: ?output)['Oh, I have so much to say about *that*!']
            (elseif: $var is 2)[
            	(append: ?output)[ 'The current state of our economic crises has grown to epic proportions, and I don't think our current leaders are functionally working on any way of escaping it...']

    Just paste this into a new Harlowe game all by itself and take a look at what it does with just one click.

    Is this what you meant?
  • Thank you, all! Very helpful :)
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