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Dissolve as standard transition on stylesheet (Harlowe)


I'm looking for a way to have "dissolve" as the standard scene transition for my game. A method for use with Sugarcane but not Jonah is outlnied in the following link:

for an example of this transition in a game made on Sugarcube see Anna Anthropy's "Town":

Any .css whizzes know how to adapt this for Harlowe? I really need something I can apply to the stylesheet instead of adding more code to already quite busy scenes. It would be a real help for what I'm working on.


  • Alternatively, if someone could explain how stylesheet implementation is different in Harlowe so I can look at old Sugarcane stylesheets and work out for myself how to convert them, that would be amazing too.
  • Looking at line 107 of the 1.0.1 version of Harlowe's showPassage method it appears that dissolve is the standard scene transition.

    I believe the related Harlowe 1.0.1 CSS rules for that transition are:
    	-webkit-animation:appear .8s;
    	animation:appear .8s
    	-webkit-animation:appear .8s reverse;
    	animation:appear .8s reverse
    Adding a copy of the above two CSS rules to your own Story Stylesheet would allow you to change them.
  • Thanks Greyelf, I'll take a look at that and see what I can do by messing with the .8s.

    Film studies background so, to me, a "dissolve" means a pure crossfade as in the example of Town. I'm sure I can get that if I mess with those figures.
  • Hmm. Even if I make one transition longer than the other (which should, in theory, produce a cross-fade) it doesn't happen. I'm not sure if this is even possible in Harlowe's .css, which kinda sucks.
  • Doesn't a crossfade require that both the pre and post state exist at the same time with the post state hidden behind the pre state, then the opacity of the pre state is adjusted so that it slowly becomes invisible which allows you to slowly see the post state.

    From what I understand about Harlowe, the pre state is first removed and then the post state is added, which (if I am correct) will make a true crossfade impossible.

    But I could easily be wrong! *smile*
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