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Scroll to the Top of the page after New Passage is open


When a new passage is open by clicking on the link the browsers are automatically scrolling down the new page which confuses readers.
Is there a way to disable/stop it.

I was trying to create a Postrender function which would on click on tw-link tag scroll to the top.
But even using a basic Postrender console.log('test') fuction the system throws an error.

"Postrender is not defined"

User JS:

postrender.test = function() {

Has anyone had these issues ?




  • You need to state which story format you are using because answers can be different for each one.

    I am going to assume you are using Harlowe because you mention tw-link elements.

    Postrender is a feature of Twine 1 story formats and not supported by Harlowe, as far as I know the only Twine 2 story format that does support it is SugarCube.

    The Harlowe project overview states that the unreleased 1.1.0 version contains a fix for this problem.

    This previous topic talks about short term ways to try and get around this issue.
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