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How to add time?

Hey, so I'm still on the initial stages of understanding twine, so I want to know how I can add time to a particular story. In the sense that limiting the amount of time for selecting an option.
For example: 'Press option A for x action
Press optionB for y action' and if the user doesn't select either of these in a given Time, say, 15 seconds, showing a default slide(not the right term, I think)
I hope I've made my query clear. The help will be much appreciated.


  • You need to state which story format you are using, as answers can be different for each one. I am going to assume you are using Harlowe.

    You can use Harlowe's (live:) macro to make something happen after a period of time, in the following example the Reader has 10 seconds to click one of the two markup links or be shown the Prison passage:
    (live: 10s)[(goto: "Prison")]
    In ten seconds you will be caught and sent to Prison if you don't click on one of the links below!
    [[Run Away->Escaped]]
    ... the above example assumes you have created both a Prison and a Escaped passage.
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