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Help with If and Set macros?

In the game I'm making, there is the option to select an attribute, which will slightly change up the things that happen/add different options, etc. However, whenever I try to use the tutorials listed around, I get the error "missing ) after argument list". I've tried correcting it multiple times, but I get the same error. Here's the text I'm referring to:

(set: $wings to $attribute2 = wings)
(if: $wings is true)[blah blah blah.]

I've also attempted it with simply (if: $attribute2 = wings), as well as (if: $attribute2 eq wings), and I get the same error. After every ] and ) within the text, I've added a new ) and tested it each time. Same error. It's starting to drive me a little crazy.


  • edited August 2015
    I mostly use sugarcube, but I believe it's the same in harlowe. You need quotation marks around a string, unlike numeric values. Also your set macro is kinda funky. Try:
    (set: $attribute2 to "wings")
    (If: $attribute2 = "wings")[blah blah blah]

    I think that is what you're aiming for.
  • That works, but the issue is that $attribute2 can be multiple things, since it's referenced with a cycling link earlier.
    (set: $attribute2 to "item 1")<tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["item 1", "wings", "item 3", "item 4"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$attribute2");'>$attribute2</tw-link>

    So that I don't have to type out (if: $attribute2 = "wings")[blah blah blah every time it needs to be referenced], I'm attempting to shorten it.
  • So you want to have like a description of the wings that's plugged in to the text later, but you don't want to have to rewrite the wings description passage every time? I feel like that's what your going for. If so, maybe a widget. Let me mess with it a few minutes and see if I can figure out widgets in harlowe.
  • I want to have passages show up depending on if wings were chosen, such as an additional option during a choice or an extra passage of description. It's not the same thing every time (I guess I could've just said that). I want to be able to simply put ($wings)[text] in order to simplify things during the coding since I have enough monstrosities of code as is.
  • Try the following, it should display Wings is true:
    (set: $attribute2 to "wings")
    (set: $wings to ($attribute2 is "wings"))
    (if: $wings)[Wings is true](else:)[Winds is false]
    ... if you change the value of $attribute2 then it should display Winds is false:
    (set: $attribute2 to "another value")
    (set: $wings to ($attribute2 is "wings"))
    (if: $wings)[Wings is true](else:)[Winds is false]
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