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Background image from file (Sugarcube)

I was able to get a background image working from a url leading to imgur, and I'm able to embed images from files within passages. But I can't get the background image from a file. What am I doing wrong?

This works-
<img src="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Twine%202/images/219122.jpg"> */

This works-
/* background image */ 
html {
background: [img[]] fixed;	
 background-size: cover; 
 min-height: 100%;

But this doesn't work-
/* background image */ 
html {
background: [img[file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Twine%202/images/219122.jpg]] fixed;	
 background-size: cover; 
 min-height: 100%;

and I don't understand why. I tried putting just the file name, I tried putting just images/filename.jpg, etc. I don't know what else to do. I eventually would like to have the images zipped with the game so I don't want to rely on imgur if I don't have to, but I can't understand what's going wrong here. I'm sure I'm missing something but I'm really new to twine and html and css etc so hopefully someone can help. Thanks.


  • edited August 2015
    You really shouldn't be using the wiki image markup inside CSS for anything other than image passages (which are unsupported by Twine 2 at the moment).

    You should be doing something like the following:
    background: url("file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Twine%202/images/219122.jpg") fixed;

    Still, if I recall correctly, that should have worked, so I'll look into it. At a guess, it's probably the parenthesis mucking things up.
  • edited August 2015
    This is real working code from my SugarCube game that you can see in action in the video I posted in the WIP forum:
    #supertop.blanket {
    background: [img[images/zzz.jpg]] fixed;
    position: absolute;
    background-size: cover;
    z-index: 1;
    animation: fadeOut 6s 1 forwards;

    Note the z-index: 1 makes this image go above the passages, since it's a fade to black. If you're just using the html layer for the background images you don't need to specify the z index.

    If this still doesn't work for you then it's a problem with the Twine 2 app specifically, which may be blocking your file for security reasons. I use 1.4 since the Twine 2 app is not suitable for games that use any kind of media due to these kinds of issues.
  • You really shouldn't be using the wiki image markup inside CSS for anything other than image passages (which are unsupported by Twine 2 at the moment).

    You should be doing something like the following:
    background: url("file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Twine%202/images/219122.jpg") fixed;

    Still, if I recall correctly, that should have worked, so I'll look into it. At a guess, it's probably the parenthesis mucking things up.

    Thanks, that worked. I'm mostly just stealing code from you two and greyelf in your wonderful posts. Thanks so much, you guys really rock.
  • edited August 2015
    You really shouldn't be using the wiki image markup inside CSS for anything other than image passages (which are unsupported by Twine 2 at the moment).

    You should be doing something like the following:
    background: url("file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Twine%202/images/219122.jpg") fixed;

    Still, if I recall correctly, that should have worked, so I'll look into it. At a guess, it's probably the parenthesis mucking things up.

    One reason I don't want to specify anything like that is if I distribute my game as a node.js app, I have no guarantee that it will be installed onto a C drive.

    So for me, the [img[zzz.jpg]] thing works fine as it works wherever the game is.
  • Claretta wrote: »

    One reason I don't want to specify anything like that is if I distribute my game as a node.js app, I have no guarantee that it will be installed onto a C drive.

    So for me, the [img[zzz.jpg]] thing works fine as it works wherever the game is.

    See I can't get that to work either, I'm not sure why.
  • edited August 2015
    As I wrote above it might be a file permission issue with the Twine 2 app.
  • It's unlikely to be a file permission issue. More likely it's a simple path issue.

    k3lit0 is probably either using the app (NW.js-based) version of Twine and testing via Test/Play, which currently makes it extremely difficult to use relative paths (Publish does not have this problem). If they're using the browser-based version, then they're probably putting the files in the wrong place.
  • I am indeed using the windows app and testing. It's OK for now, and if i finish the game and publish I'll worry about it then. It's good to know that should work. Thanks. I actually moved the twine folder to documents to avoid that parentheses in the programs folder.
  • edited August 2015
    Parenthesis aren't a problem for the url() functional notation, as long as you quote the URI.

    Beyond that, I've fixed the wiki image interpolation bug you ran into, so parenthesis won't be a problem there anymore. Everyone should get that as soon as the next Twine 2 refresh comes out (or sooner, depending).
  • Parenthesis aren't a problem for the url() functional notation, as long as you quote the URI.

    Beyond that, I've fixed the wiki image interpolation bug you ran into, so parenthesis won't be a problem there anymore. Everyone should get that as soon as the next Twine 2 refresh comes out (or sooner, depending).

    Thank you. Hopefully that helps some people. :)

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