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How do footers work?

So I was in another thread and I saw reference to "footers" as part of the inventory system being discussed. Being a newbie to Twine, I was piqued by this notion, since it would solve a lot of my problems. How do footers work, and may I see an example?


  • The 1.1.0 changes: New Features section of the Harlowe project overview lists information about the special passage tags:
    Added special behaviour for passages tagged with footer, header or startup: their code will be automatically (display:)ed at the start or end of passages......

    If you create a new passage (or edit an existing one) and assign it a tag of footer then the contents of that passage will be automatically appended to the bottom of every other passage shown to the reader/player.
    The name of your footer tagged passage is not important but I name mine Footer for convenience.
  • Thanks.

    Oh, man, I hit "New Discussion" instead of "Ask a Question" again. Um, consider this question answered.
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