Hey all!
I've just started learning twine 2 on harlowe and have been working on a little project for the past four weeks. And now it's finally ready for a bit of public testing.
The objective of this game for me was to see if I could design a combat system in twine 2 and built a game with a lot of wrapper around it like a shop system, multiple weapons, armour, and monsters.I even have a bit of story and lore put in there to keep the narrative interesting. If anything it's a glorified slot machine.
You can play it here.
For now, you're just supposed to keep going forwards and fight enemies. But I do have several more things planned such as a magic system(damaging and buffing), a potion system(very important). And a few extra things I would put in after i've done the important stuff, like a new boss fighting mechanic and randomized weapon types (i.e. rusty dagger, normal dagger, good dagger).
Feedback would be
AWESOME especially on difficulty curve and on the general feeling of the game. Like if you felt bored or if there were specific parts that interested you. What felt fun and what didn't. And if you can, just stress test it in general.
And while I did as much bug testing as I could I'm sure there's probably still a ton of bugs in the game. (right here I remembered a small bug that I forgot to patch out) So please if you can just point them out.
If you're the type to dig around source codes it would be cool if you can tell me how to optimize my code
Sorry for the wall of text, tl;dr I would really appreciate if someone would take a look at it and give feedback! Thanks!
However, I did play it, and it's fairly fun. Looking forward to any expansions you build if possible.
After you have the HTML file you just need to work out if it was built using Twine 1 or Twine 2 so that you know which Import feature to use.
I played it a little bit - I'll play again later and send more feedback.
It seems really fun so far, and well built.
The first thing I'd say is that the "Something appears in the fog!" link doesn't seem very visibile (at least not on my screen) - maybe you could use a different colour for it?
Another comment: would you consider adding a "flee" option?
Perhaps at least the first time a player selects "Wander into the fog", in case adding it everywhere would break the balance of your system?
Also, it would be nice to have a save/load option.
Great job so far!
I realised that the clickable words are all not very noticeable but I'm figuring out what would be the best, either make standard text and back ground darker or make clickables a different colour.
I do not want to add a flee option for players wandering into the fog because the point is they are lost and can't find a way out. I also do not want to add a flee option to combat because I want the player to decide if it is worth the risk of going into combat with the amount of health they have.
Also, Save/Load is in progress.
Also, if there's anything you don't understand in the code I would be happy to explain
I actually just right click and saved the link, so you're good. Taking a look at it now, but since it's in Harlowe (didn't notice) doesn't do me tooooo much good since I'm working in SugarCube, but that dataset thing seems really nice to use.
Don't know if this will work but here's an archived version of the project file. It'll be way easier to go through.
Also, there's an error message when you first enter the Graveyard.
Great basis though!
Thanks for showing me the problem! Sorry about your anima!