I am running into a funny issue.
According to the documentation and various info I read around here, with Twine 2 + Harlowe, you could set a datamap and then print it as a table, as follows:
Set the datamap:
(set: $pc to (datamap: "strength", 10, "intelegence", 4, "constitution", 8, "wisdom", 3, "charisma", 4, "dexterity", 5))
Displaying the datamap as a table
(print: $pc)
Now the funny thing is, if I do that, the "print" window of my OS (windows 7, I am using Firefox by the way) opens (I haven't tried to actually print anything so I don't know what it prints) and the passage that should display the datamap has the following error:
☕ print(...) is undefined►
I have looked around but I can't seem to find an indication of what I am doing wrong.
The example is taken from
here, but there are similar ones in the forums.
Using Harlowe 1.1.1 it outputs the datamap as a table as expected.
Using Harlowe 1.2.1 it brings up the print dialogue and an error message.
I tried printing to a PDF file and it just output a blank page.
ETA: I just noticed that Harlowe has an issue tracker now, so I'll post an issue for this.
ETA2: The issue is here https://bitbucket.org/_L_/harlowe/issues/12/cannot-print-datamaps-when-using-harlowe
Thank you!
I was about to send Leon a private message, but posting in the issue tracker is definitely better.
Let me know if I should do it.
Thank you for the update and help!
Having the story formats completely separate from the engine (and various active versions of the engine) doesn't seem very practical at times.
(Not meant as a criticism, it's a free tool, it's awesome)