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edited March 2016 in Help! with 2.0
I am working on two different links, using Harlowe in Twine 2.0

The first is an external link, but I would like it to use the tw-link CSS, any advice?
<a id="tw-link" href="" target="_blank">text</a>

The next is using it's own CSS, so that the link is different then a normal link, however I want it to link to a page inside the document, any advice
<a class="link2" href=internal location>text</a>



  • ericgonzp wrote: »
    The first is an external link, but I would like it to use the tw-link CSS...
    <a class="enchantment-link" href="" target="_blank">text</a>

    ericgonzp wrote: »
    using it's own CSS, so that the link is different then a normal link
    a. markup:
    <span class="link2">[[Link Text->Target Passage]]</span>
    b. CSS:
    .link2 tw-link, .link2 .enchantment-link {
    	color: red;
    .link2 tw-link:hover, .link2 .enchantment-link:hover {
    	color: orange;
  • Thanks Grey elf, unfortunately on the 2nd mark up, the hook is failing, any idea?
  • ericgonzp wrote: »
    Thanks Grey elf, unfortunately on the 2nd mark up, the hook is failing, any idea?
    If by "2nd mark up" you mean the
    <span class="link2">[[Link Text->Target Passage]]</span>
    ... example then there is no hook in that code, otherwise you need to be more clear in what you mean.
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