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"like" or "thumbs up" passages - voting system

Hello everybody!

I am currently using twine in a language class, with the entire class colaborating on the same story. I have my students read the passages of the other students and continue their plots, so that ideally everybody contributes to all of the plots.

This system causes quite a bit of fragmentation, as students come up with more and more plots. In order to narrow down the amount of plots, the other day I printed the entire story on paper and represented the twine structure using lines. Afterwards, I had my students vote for the plots they liked best (each of them could spend three points in total).

This was a rather tedious process, so I thought it could be done much easier online. What I have in mind is a kind of counter which enables the reader to "like" or "heart" or whatever passages he likes. The counter should be visible to everybody. Users should have a limited amount of points they can spend. Not all the passages should be allowed to vote on, maybe a designated tag could trigger the counter.

I understand this cannot be done with javascript, my guess is php and a text file where the counts are stored should do the job. I'd be very grateful for any hint in the right direction. If somebody comes up with an idea, I can provide webspace for testing.




  • Hey everybody,

    me again. I found a ready-made solution for counting "likes" or "thumbs-up":

    It seams easy to customize and stores data in text files, so no database needed.

    The main obstacle I encounter now is how to include multiple polls within a twine story and have the script know, which paragraph the reader is voting on.

    Can any of you guys think of a way of using the paragraph header as ID for the script? Or any other solution?

    As usual, any help is deeply appreciated,

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