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If Conditions (Harlowe)

I've checked the Harlowe manual repeatedly and tried searching through the forums, but been unable to find an answer:

Is there a list somewhere of what conditions are allowed in if statements?

So far I've come across: is, contains, > < >= <= (but not =< or =>)

But I'm wondering if there are any others. If someone could fill in the rest or point me towards the documentation I'm unable to find I'd really appreciate it.


  • Look at the Types of data section of the Harlowe Manual, especially the Boolean data and the Array data sub-sections.
  • The Boolean data list was the one I was looking for, thanks (might be good if it was linked in the If section somewhere to show which things you can use.)
  • (might be good if it was linked in the If section somewhere to show which things you can use.)
    It already is, the first link in the first line of the description leads to the Boolean data section!
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