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Set: always stays at 0?

Hello; I'm a newbie at Twine and coding in general, and I've been following tutorials diligently. However, I keep encountering a problem with set:.
Whatever variable I enter, it keeps changing it to 0.
Like so:
Am I doing something wrong? Please enlighten me, this is frustrating to no end, and it also occurs whenever I give it a number instead of text.
Also, sorry if this has been already asked, I can't find it elsewhere.


  • edited May 2016
    Twine 2 comes with three Story Formats (Harlowe, Snowman 2, SugarCube 1) with Harlowe being the default one.

    A Story Format is a mini web-application and it is responsible for defines all the core-features that an Author uses to write they story. Two of these core-features are the syntax (format) of it's macro language and the list of core macros available to the Author.

    The macro syntax you are using <<macroname paramaters>> is the one used by SugarCube (1 and 2) and the old default story formats that come with Twine 1.

    If you look at the Harlowe Manual you will see that it's syntax looks like (macroname: paramaters)[]

    So your macro should look like:
    (set: $goddess to "Goddess Name")
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