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Harlowe - Sounds don't play on Android phones?

Is there a known issue with sounds not playing on mobile devices? I'm using <audio src="filename.wav" autoplay loop> and uploading the sound file to the same folder of the website as the Twine game.


  • Which web-browser are you using on Android?

    I personally don't have an Android device to test your issue on.

    Two web-pages I suggest looking at to determine why audio (or one of it's features) may not be working correctly are:

    1. MDN's Media formats supported by the HTML audio and video elements, especially the Browser compatibility matrix which lists which media file formats work with which web-browsers although I am not sure if the information is fully current.

    2. Can I Use's audio element page, especially the Known issues tab although again this information may also not be current.

    Based on those two sources it appears there may be issues with playing WAV files on Android and that the autoplay feature may not work.

    Someone else with more audio experience and/or the correct type of device may have a better answer.
  • Thanks. I'm using the Chrome browser.

    I'll test converting the files to other formats.
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