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Setting a MAX width and MAX font size - CSS Harlowe

Dear all,

Stuck with my game looking great on mobile, but it is unendingly responsive, so on laptop or larger screens, the font size and the body column width is HUGE!

How do I set a max width and max font size after which the game should stop responding in the browser? I believe it has something to do with editing tw-story in CSS but I don't know what. I want a max width of 700px please :( And Georgia that doesn't grow to 150%.


  • I'm guessing you set your font sizes using "%" or "pt" as the unit. As far as I know they appear differently according to screen size.. Either way, I suggest you use "em" as the base font size in your css. Besides Trying to run two different set ups for browser & mobile with Harlowe seems like putting a bandage on a flesh wound instead of stitching up the primary issue.
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