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Import Images In Your Files

I know how to get images from the internet by getting the URL for them, but I have created a picture that I would like to import into my story from my files. Is that possible, or would I have to put it on the internet and get the URL?


  • edited August 2016
    If an online story, the easiest way is to convert your image into Base64 code (you can Google a way to do that), and then use the code as the image path. This will store the image in the published HTML file.

    If offline story then obviously you can just distribute the picture with the game directory.
  • Thank you for the help. I'm sure this would work, but my image is an ODG, which is an unsupported file type. Is there another way I can do this, or a way I can change the file type, because when I click 'Save As' on my image the only file types I can switch it to are ODG, OTG, or FODG.
  • You cannot use your OpenDocument Graphics file directly. You will need to export it as an image—probably to a raster format like JPG. Assuming that you're using something like OpenOffice, see: How do you save a file in JPG format? (at for details.
  • edited August 2016
    Thank you!
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