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Change The Font Mid-Story

I am using Harowe. I currently have two (and am planning on getting more) fonts which I'd like to put into my story. I've imported them both, and I know how to change the font, I just don't know if I can change the font mid-story. I have a passage tagged title and another tagged main. Here's my stylesheet:
@import '';

@import '';

html.main tw-story {
	font-family: 'Arimo', sans-serif;

html.title tw-story {
	font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;

However, this doesn't work. Can you change the font? Or can there only be one font throughout a story?


  • You don't state how you implemented Tag Based Styling so I am going to assume you are using a technique similar to that found in the Basic Harlowe Passage Tag Based Styling thread.

    I tested your CSS in a two passage story, one tagged main and the other title, and the correct font was used to display each passage although it is a little difficult to see the difference between the two due to the fonts being similar in style.

    Temporarily changing one of the fonts to something like 'Indie Flower' while you are testing your code could help with spotting if it is working correctly.
  • greyelf wrote: »
    You don't state how you implemented Tag Based Styling so I am going to assume you are using a technique similar to that found in the Basic Harlowe Passage Tag Based Styling thread.

    I tested your CSS in a two passage story, one tagged main and the other title, and the correct font was used to display each passage although it is a little difficult to see the difference between the two due to the fonts being similar in style.

    Temporarily changing one of the fonts to something like 'Indie Flower' while you are testing your code could help with spotting if it is working correctly.

    Oh, if it looked the same then it probably was the same font. So sorry for wasting your time!
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