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Scaffold 22 Released - twine-based RPG



  • When you hack things, how are you able to let the user type stuff, and would it be possible in Harlowe?
  • My reaction to your game: bMGZkEU.gif
    It's possible do the same thing in Twine 2?
  • Deadshot wrote: »
    .. how are you able to let the user type stuff, and would it be possible in Harlowe?
    See this comment in the Allowing users to input correct answers in HTML Text Box thread as well as the csalzman related link in the same comment.
    It's possible do the same thing in Twine 2?
    Yes, except for the userlib.js related feature mentioned by TheMadExile the two applications (named Twine) basically do the same things and produce similar story HTML files.
  • Sorry for the late response.
    It's possible do the same thing in Twine 2?

    I'm certain it is. You'll probably have to pull apart the Twine 2 structure a bit and figure out how to implement the equivalent of the JS I hacked into sugarcube 1 but it's in no way impossible.

    I don't do anything that runs against Twine or Sugarcube's basic structure or underlying function (except maybe the save file naming). 90% of everything you see that makes it "impressive" is CSS customization and custom JS. Except maybe the combat flow, which is heavily based in javascript.

    If you're curious, or want some inspiration, I made a few videos about the way it was built up and later some technical stuff that you can find here: link - I talk about the code later in this video and then again in some of the subsequent videos.
    Deadshot wrote: »
    When you hack things, how are you able to let the user type stuff, and would it be possible in Harlowe?

    Greyelf probably covered it best. It's a sugarcube macro with a case-insensitive check for the result. Doesn't look like it's possible in harlowe.
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