The latest beta is ready for testing. There's one thing in particular that I could really use help with. This beta includes multiple versions of Harlowe and SugarCube so that you can upgrade to the 2.x release series of both when you're ready-- however, it's really important that when 2.1.0 is released to the public, it gracefully keeps stories with the right version.
So, if you have time, please
download it and let me know if anything unexpected happens with your existing stories. I've tested it myself, but I'd like to be absolutely sure it works as expected before the release.
This is the first version of the beta I've tried. The layout is lovely, but does it no longer auto-create passages when you type links? I get a little arrow pointing to an X, but no way to get feedback (as far as I can tell) about which links are missing, nor any way to auto-generate the passages that are missing.
Next I quit and reopened the app, and another time increment happened.
I proof-formatted a story successfully, then went back and opened the story formats. The popup was missing some stuff like tab titles and format titles but not authors, so you could navigate around normally if you knew where you were and who wrote what. The story formats I had added previously were no longer listed.
I closed the story formats popup (it still had its X) and after that things went south:
Simulate Browser Restart caused the window to close and I could not reopen the app afterwards, even after reinstalling; it opens a blank window for a few seconds, then closes again. The only log messages I found about this seemed innocuous (nwjs Helper triggered DYLD shared region unnest for .... While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.), though they may have something to do with issue #292.
Downgrading to 2.0.11 restored everything, although the dates remained where the beta last set them. Re-upgrading to the beta returned me to the unable-to-open stage rather than the time-incrementing stage.
I've attached a screenshot of my story list from the non-beta for a general idea of what size it is (and evidence of the date issue). Many of them are imports of publicly available stories of various sizes.
I have seen the story format popup misbehavior before when building Twine locally for MacOS, but not the crashing issue. (I'm not sure I would have noticed the timestamp issue either way.)
I'm using the MacOS version of the beta, on Mavericks.
Wierd. I tested it in my main project, and it generated the passage like normal. Did you enclose it in double brackets? [[ ]]? What version of computer are you using, Operating System, etc etc? I'm on Windows 10 and using the b3.
The new application also has a feature that tries to automatically update all existing stories to reference the latest version of the relevant story format, which would likely result in that story's time-stamp changing.
That explains the first change, but not the subsequent ones--and the first one only if all the relevant story formats' version numbers changed. It may have to do with several of them using my own story formats, which also "changed" by disappearing mysteriously.
It's too early to say for sure, but part of my hunch is that the dates being off is related to the memory issue.
I'm going to put out a beta 4 just to fix this problem... please sit tight, and my apologies for eating up your hard drive space. Who said beta testing wasn't exciting?
I will be addressing the datestamps too, but it does turn out they're separate issues after all.
After restart Twine, my test stroy was gone (0 stories).
If I add a link (with ... ) a path was added but without a new passage window on the end, just a little red cross.
The start screen and Twine-menu (bottom left) was translated right (I'm German), but the menu (on top) still in English and some other parts too.
The publish button has no function (well, there is no file dialog open, so I think it has no function).
Sometimes, the mouse hover menu of passages (where you can edit, delete, set start) is shown empty (no icons).
I'm using Beta 3 localy on Windows 7 64Bit.
If the brackets do not turn blue/purple when you start making a link, then it's a sign there's a problem, it seems. Hrm. In another project they turned blue when I added a new link that had been made before this beta. In the biggest project I have, I just created a new link in another Passage - they don't turn blue. Is that a random occurrence?
I have created Issue #293 about this problem.
I think I found the pattern. It works only after you have restarted Twine since creating that story. Any stories created before a Twine restart have the issue.