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Are saved games in Harlowe specific to one game/url?

What I mean by that specifically is this: Say I upload a game onto the Internet, made with Harlowe, and it has a save functionality (using the (save-game:) macro) that lets the player save to, say, a file called "Slot A". Now let's say I want to upload a new version of that game and it has the same save and load functionality with the same filenames. If I make a save-file in version 1 and then try to load that same file with the same name in version 2, will it find the file? Or does the browser save these in different places for each game, because they're located at a different url, so that save-files wouldn't carry over? They should all be in the browser cache, but is there only one version of a save-file per filename that all games could potentially load or are there subcategories? Sorry if this is a dumb question and thanks in advance if anyone happens to know this.


  • I know that a new version of the game uploaded to the same URL definitely is still found and available (though, if you changed your game around a lot, certain parts of the save could do something weird). Not sure about different URLs.
  • There are three things that can effect how saving works internally.

    1. How the web-browser's internal local-storage differentiates between the two different versions of the same story. (or between two different stories stored at the same location)

    By default this is based on the domain (name) and protocol (http, https, file) used to access the story, for story HTML files stored on a local hard-drive this is file:// unless you are using a local web-server.

    2. The internal ID Harlowe uses to distinguish the story's (Save related) entries within the browser's local-storage, this automatically generated ID is meant to be unique for each Harlowe based story but due a bug in v1.2.2 the ID is the same for all Harlowe based stories.

    3. The save slot name you gave to the (save-game: ) macro.
    warning: due to the bug mentioned in point 2 if you use the same slot name in two different Harlowe based stories then each of those stories can overwrite the other's saves, which is why currently it is a good idea to use unique slot names across story projects until a fix for the bug is released.
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