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How do I format a link tag to take the reader to a web page in a new tab?

This might be kind of confusing. I want a link (already done) that takes the user to a specific webpage ( but it always opens in the same tab and when it does that, the user loses all their progress with the story so far. This is what I have in the passage:

I'm using Harlowe and Twine 2


  • In Harlowe, you're probably going to need to use an HTML anchor tag with the target attribute. For example:
    <a href="LINK_URL" target="_blank">LINK_TEXT</a>
  • What do I enter where you said _blank? I assume I put the URL where you said LINK_URL; I really don't know much at all about programming yet.
  • That you leave as-is. The only things you should alter are the two LINK_* bits.
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