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Remove sidebar collapse button? And default Debug mode to off?

edited February 2017 in Help! with 1.x
Please tell me how I can remove the arrow button that closes the sidebar; I want the sidebar always open. Twine 1.4 Sugarcube 2.

Also setting Debug view default 'off' ? Thanks


  • Muze wrote: »
    Please tell me how I can remove the arrow button that closes the sidebar; I want the sidebar always open.
    While you could use a style to hide the UI bar's stow/unstow toggle button, you're going to need to use JavaScript to accomplish your other request, so you may as well do both at the same time.

    Muze wrote: »
    Also setting Debug view default 'off' ?
    That's, honestly, kind of a bizarre request. Still, it's doable with a little JavaScript.

    You may accomplish both by adding the following to your scripts: (Twine 1: goes in a script-tagged passage; Twine 2: goes in Story JavaScript)
    prehistory['no-stow-and-disable-debug'] = function (taskname) {
    	// This should be a single use task.
    	delete prehistory[taskname];
    	// Remove the UI bar's stow/unstow toggle button.
    	// Disable Test mode's debug views initially.
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